Mistake #1: Often people do not read the Instructions for Use

It is important to carefully follow the instructions for use to perform the test properly

Mistake #2: People forget not to eat or drink 15 minutes before the test or not to use mouth cleaning products like toothpaste or mouthwash 30 minutes before the test.

Using cleaning products or eating too soon before the test can give inaccurate results

Mistake #3: People forget to rub the testing pad once along the lower gum and once along the upper gum, it is not a saliva test.

The pad must be rubbed against the inside of the upper and lower gums and then the pad placed into the tube of test liquid

Mistake #4: Waiting the correct time to read the results – after 20 minutes. Do not read the result after 40 minutes

Reading the test too soon, before 20 minutes, or too late, after 40 minutes, can give incorrect results

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