Know your status. Connect to care.

Any time | Any place | Any body

We designed the new Health Connect Jamaica Virtual app to be a central part of the I’m Ready Jamaica program.

The Health Connect Jamaica Virtual app is how you’ll get free HIV self-testing kits, respond to surveys and be referred to services and information for HIV treatment, prevention and care.

We also built a secure telehealth service within the Health Connect Jamaica Virtual app where you can access peer navigation support before, during or after you test.

Download the App

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How the Health Connect Jamaica Virtual app works

Self-testing is a great tool to empower our people to take charge of their health and get tested for HIV.


Consent and privacy

Throughout this process, our peer navigators are available to support you any time before, during or after you test through our Health Connect Jamaica Virtual secure telehealth service. You can choose which peer navigator you wish to speak to by reviewing their profile. The peer navigators will respect your privacy.

For detailed information about how data is collected and stored as well as your privacy as a participant, please visit our terms of use and privacy pages.  

More about the app

Health Connect Jamaica, part of The University of the West Indies and funded by the generosity of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), worked closely with our partners at REACH Nexus to design the innovative and user-friendly Health Connect Jamaica Virtual app.