If there is no reason to believe that you may have been exposed to HIV, then there is no need to be tested for HIV. Deciding on when and how to take the test is a personal decision. Some people will choose to test frequently and others may test occasionally. Some people may choose not to do an HIV self-test. For those who decide to complete an HIV self-test, some people may choose to do so alone in a private setting of their choice; others may want some support prior to, after or during the self-test procedure

You should carefully consider whether you want someone else to see your results at the same time as you doYou should feel comfortable and safe with whomever and wherever you take the test and know who to contact at any time if you need help or information in dealing with the results 

If you want help before, during or after you test and you are a participant of the I’m Ready Research Program or are curious about joining the program and want to learn more, our peer navigators are available to support you through our I’m Ready, Talk secure telehealth service. 

Be sure to visit our Before you take a test page for  information that will help prepare you to take the test, and for more information. You can call us using WhatsApp (876-308-0198) (876-or at our Health Connect Jamaica office, 876-669-7349. You can also access our I’m Ready Jamaica app to make an appointment with a peer navigator

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